Matt Randall, Vice President, Employee Benefits
Matt Randall joined CES in 2019 as Vice President of Benefits. Matt has over 20 years of experience in Employee Benefits. As the VP of Benefits, Matt manages our proprietary healthcare, dental and vision plans, works with our various carrier partners, explores cost containment strategies, and takes a hands-on approach in working with our clients. Matt graduated from The University of Cincinnati with a bachelor’s degree in finance.
Matt understands that benefits, and health care specifically, can be a sore spot for business owners and views his role with CES as existing to maximize the value that every unique client receives for their given benefit budget. His caring personality comes through in everything he does.
Matt resides in Columbus, Ohio, with his wife and 4 children. Matt enjoys cooking, music, and sports, and spends much of his free time coaching or supporting his children in their various sports.